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Comunicação do Pró Grão-Mestre Peter Lowdes, UGLE

QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION    14 JUNE 2017 AN ADDRESS BY THE MW THE PRO GRAND MASTER PETER LOWNDES Peter Lowndes Brethren, as we approach the 24th June 2017, the actual date of our Tercentenary Anniversary, it is very fitting that at this meeting we look back on our history with pride. John Hamill, in his inimitable style, has reminded us of the debt we owe to the Time Immemorial Lodges whose foresight set us on our current path and the Grand Master will be unveiling a plaque recognising this next week. Whilst mentioning the Grand Master it is fitting to remember the debt we owe him and recognise that today is 50 years to the day since he was elected as our Grand Master. How fortunate we have been. We also congratulate W Bro Cyril McGibbon whose 105th birthday it is today. He still attends every meeting, rather appropriately, of Lodge of Perseverance No. 155 and recently proposed the toast to the ladies at their last ladies’ evening. On the 18th April we remembered a

Vencedores do Prémio "Mestre Maçon Honoris Causa".

A "Comissão Escrutinadora da Academia Piauiense de Mestres Maçons" declarou no seu relatório, que se tornou público, que se sagraram vários maçons,  com o prémio "Mestre Maçon Honoris Causa". Ernâni Napoleão Não podemos alongar-nos nesta informação, mas deixamos aqui uma fotografia e o resultado da sua eleição. Trata-se do Irmão Ernâni Napoleão Lima, Mestre Maçon Emérito da Loja "Costa Araújo,  nº 3", de Campo Maior, ex-Grão-Mestre da Grande Loja e que obteve 57,333% dos votos. Parabéns ao Irmão Ernâni e a todos os vencedores. | NEWS | MYFRATERNITY | MAÇONARIA | MASONIC PRESS AGENCY | || www.myfraternity.org ||

MY FRATERNITY no MOBILE (www.myfraternity.org)

MY FRATERNITY no MOBILE  (www.myfraternity.org) www.myfraternity.org | NEWS | MYFRATERNITY | MAÇONARIA | MASONIC PRESS AGENCY | || www.myfraternity.org ||