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Instalação dos Oficiais da Loja de Perfeição, Toronto

Maçonaria: - Instalação e Investidura dos Oficiais da Loja de Perfeição, realizada na terça- feira, 09 de maio de 2017, no Templo Maçónico de York, Toronto. York Masonic Temple | NEWS | MYFRATERNITY | MAÇONARIA | MASONIC PRESS AGENCY | || www.myfraternity.org ||

"The history of black Freemasonry from Boston and Philadelphia in the late 1700s through the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement", por Cécile Révauger

O Irmão Curtis Lewis informou de que em 2016 foi publicado um livro com o seguinte título: " The history of black Freemasonry from Boston and Philadelphia in the late 1700s through the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement". Para os estudiosos da Arte Real propomos a sua leitura.  The history of black Freemasonry from Boston and Philadelphia in the late 1700s through the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement  • Examines the letters of Prince Hall, legendary founder of the first black lodge • Reveals how many of the most influential jazz musicians of the 20th century were also Masons, including Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, and Nat King Cole • Explores the origins of the Civil Rights Movement within black Freemasonry and the roles played by Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois When the first Masonic lodges opened in Paris in the early 18th century their membership included traders, merchants, musketeers, clergymen, and women

Bem-vindo a Portugal, Sua Santidade Papa Francisco!

Bem-vindo a Portugal, Sua Santidade Papa Francisco! | NEWS | MYFRATERNITY | MAÇONARIA | MASONIC PRESS AGENCY | || www.myfraternity.org ||